Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Beautiful Bri

Bri is the Executive Director of the Fallbrook School of the Arts.
Here she was pimping for parking during the Avocado Festival, April 4.


  1. Pretty nice snap.

  2. Hey we raised some $$$ for our non-profit and some people even mae a point to come park on campus and help our cause - so I guess it's cool to be a pimp in this case. At the end of the event and after a 14 hour day I was locking up the school and I hear "Did you make a lot of money?" being shouted from across the street..a man hiding behind the utility pole. I thought maybe it was a friend teasing me...but no! it was an inebriated red faced troll of a man who ranted and shouted that I was a capitalist pig that did not care about the arts and that I should be ashamed of myself. for collecting $10 for parking. There were about 30 Sheriff volunteers getting ready to go home as well and they seem oblivious to the verbal insults that were being hurled in my general direction. I decided it was best to not bolt across the street and use my deadly kick boxing techniques to silence this offensive little goat. Went home after a tiring day and had a nice glass of Pinot Grigio and watched HBO. Thanks for the pictures KEN!!!!!

  3. Hey Brigitte if there were a passel of sheriff's volunteers in the immediate area you could have pulled your point and shoot camera out and safely gotten some interesting pictures :-)

  4. Those are definitely not british teeth! A great smile from the School of the Arts chief, cook and bottlewasher.

  5. Bri... You are welcome. Thanks for the heads up on the deadly kick boxing skills! I will watch my step more closely from now on.
