Thursday, February 21, 2013

Kansas Elms

Lauren loves elm trees. These are in a city park in Dodge City, KS, 2/20/2013.


  1. My Dad was a Wisconsin boy, circa early 20th century. He had a green thumb and loved the elms that grew back there. Karon & I had an evergreen Chinese elm volunteer at our last Fallbrook place, but they're just not the same as the cold-climate deciduous elms you photographed.

  2. Don't know about the sign, it gives a certain balance to the heavy left side. I'll see what it looks like using PS CS6 content aware fill.

  3. I almost never do and I think I would. Although there is a lot of mass on the left, the tree diagonal moves it easily into the mid ground/horizon. Painters use diagonals for this precise reason.
